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Dr. Kim Howell




Welcome, Rock Star! You've come to the right place to learn how to live your best, most sparkly, glittery, beautiful life. My work is for the renegades, outliers, and those ready to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight on center stage.


My work is for those of us in the margins and for those who are led to help those who are often treated as "other."  Here, there is only one. Let's retreat from the margins to fully own who we are...authentic, different, and worthy of having it ALL!

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Meet Dr. Kim

I'm a whimsical dreamer, depth psychologist (PhD, MA), and consultant (MBA) who can't help but color outside the lines. 

I'm all about helping those who are often overlooked or who live in the margins. With every fiber of my fiery soul, I work to help you achieve your dreams and passions. I help you to be seen. I help you embrace your authenticity and see that what makes you different makes you powerful. 


And I work with groups and individuals who need someone who will take you by the hand and help you see that you are truly worthy of having your heart's desires, that you belong, deserve to be seen, and are enough!

Let's work together and Rock Your Life!

Let's Work Together


Amplify Coaching

Helping you discover your heart's desires

Work with me to help you reconnect to Self, Source, and discovering your Purpose. This program is ideal for those battling burnout, seeking more direction and purpose, and those who need a little help being seen and heard.

Body Talk

Coaching for the Margins

Virtual, one-on-one session where we talk body. How to love yours more, how to embrace the gifts your body brings to the world, and how to support others in their quest for self-love. 

Friends at the Beach
Business Meeting

Corporate Offerings

Consulting & Facilitation

Get in touch for more information on how I can support your organization with your leadership development and organizational learning programs including courses on psychological safety, coaching, and empathic leadership.


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